Blind Measuring Guide

Roman Blind Measuring Guide

We typically measure and fit our made to measure curtains and blinds, however we do also offer a make-up service for clients who live further afield or who are furnishings second homes or rental properties. 

Please be advised that any curtains or blinds made to a customer's own sizes are non-returnable if sizes are incorrect.

We therefore recommend that you take time to measure your window very carefully.

We suggest using a metal tape measure for accuracy. 

Below is a step by step measuring guide. Please contact us if you need help taking measurements.

Measuring inside a window recess:

  • First ensure that the recess your blind is going into is not obstructed in any way so the blind can hang freely when fully extended.
  • Make sure the recess is at least 7.5cm deep, otherwise it will not be able to accommodate the operating mechanism.
  • Measure the total width from A to B and the length from C to D (See diagram above).
  • Do this in several places to allow for any slight variation or irregularity in your windows.
  • Make a note of the narrowest of these measurements, to the nearest millimetre using a metal tape measure.

Measuring outside a window recess:

  • Decide how far you want the fabric to overlap the wall on all sides – we recommend this should be at least 4.5cm.
  • Carefully measure the width from E to F (see diagram) then measure from G to H to the length you require (see diagram) adding a further 3.8cm to take account of the operating mechanism on top.
  • Make a note of these measurements to the nearest millimetre using a metal tape measure.